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Health & Safety
A No. 1 Priority

Protecting the health and safety of our customers and our employees is our top priority at HSS.

At its heart, this is about providing excellent quality products that are safe and reliable every time they are used. We ensure this is the case by consistently applying our own careful ‘test & run’ procedures, in addition to all required statutory inspections – guaranteeing full compliance with the law as well as the stringent internal standards that underpin all HSS operations.

Specify the best
Our compliance procedures start when we purchase equipment: we always specify the best available. Every new product is put through technical and reliability studies where we first ensure it complies with statutory requirements – for example the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER). A series of risk assessments and checks follow, so that we can be confident each item is truly fit for purpose.

All HSS equipment is put through the same test & run procedures: nothing is released for hire until it has been checked and passed for function and safety. Trained staff in every HSS location across the country work to the same detailed method statements, so you can be sure that everything you hire from us is in ready-to-use condition every time. Each piece of equipment comes with a comprehensive operating and safety guide, prepared by us to ensure you have all the information and advice you need for a safe and successful hire experience.

Some products – lifting and powered access equipment, for example – require specialist testing.

At HSS, we are proud to hold UKAS approval certifying our inspection team as competent to ensure compliance with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER).

Industry leading training
Safe systems of work are a critical concern for HSS. Ongoing training is just one way we support all our staff in developing the knowledge and skills they need to deliver unrivalled customer service. This is backed up by regular audits of our depots nationwide by our central Health, Safety, Environment and Quality team.

HSS is an ISO9001 quality certified company. We are also ‘Link Up’ approved and are registered trainers for PASMA, IPAF, RTITB and many more industry leading organisations. HSS has also been accredited with the British Safety Council four-star award for safety performance and compliance. We are proud of our compliance commitment – and confident we can supply the right tools, plant and equipment, ready to meet any need.

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