Building or laying a patio will probably be the most money you spend on your garden, but it will create a smart look which is easy to care for, and form the perfect outdoor space to dine, entertain, or relax on. Before you get started, remember your PPE; Personal Protection Equipment. It is of upmost importance to be safety conscious at all times and take necessary precautions. Where safety glasses and gloves when necessary, and never attempt anything beyond your limits.
Mark out the position of your proposed patio using pegs and strings. This method makes it easiest to adjust the size of the patio so that you don’t have to cut any of the slabs. Next, dig out to a depth of 15cm unless your patio is against the house, in which case you will need to go 15cm below the damp-proof course additionally.
Lay a 10cm layer of hardcore using wooden pegs as a depth marker. Again, if your patio is directly adjacent to your house it will need to be angled slightly so that water runs away from the building. Use the pegs and a spirit level to assist you in creating this slight slope. Ensure the hardcore is compact by using a board or even better, a vibrating plate.
Lay the slabs down to check you’re happy with the arrangement. It is best to start from a even side such as a house, a wall or a fence if there is one.
Next, make the mortar mix from five parts building sand to one part cement, or alternatively us a ready-made mortar mix and follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely. Create a bed of mortar 5 to 8cm deep and lay slabs on it; leaving 1cm gabs in between for grouting. Tap down the slabs consistently with a lump hammer. Be sure to check with a spirit level as you go to ensure the slabs are level or maintaining the fall away from the house. Leave the mortar to set for up to three days.
Fill the spaces between each slab with a mix of three parts building sand and one part cement/ready-made mix, using a pointing trowel. If any mix drips onto the slab, remove it, and allow to dry for up to a few days. Following these easy steps will ensure a quality patio, which if maintained and cared for, will last for years to come.
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