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Big on Business |
HSS Hire customers come in all sizes and from all sectors - from some of the largest companies in the UK and Ireland to the 10% of our customer base which are householders and “grand designers”. With an outstanding commitment to “hire service” throughout our operation, we are proud to meet the diverse needs of all our customers.
Some of our larger customers work in truly mission-critical environments - supporting our railways for example or rescuing people who are threatened by natural disasters. Others build, maintain and operate the infrastructure, utilities, manufacturing, retail, engineering and commercial environments that keep Britain working. HSS Hire provides crucial support to these customers wherever and whenever they operate.
Big on our Major Differences
Our larger customers benefit from some key advantages including:
- A network of Supercentres open for extended hours with a huge range and depth of stock
- We are easy to transact with - from implants at your premises acting as your in-house hire controllers to dedicated points of contact in our Customer Service Centre
- Clean, well maintained kit suitable for customer-facing environments
- Specialist products - from Lift & Shift through, Powered Access, Safety and Survey to Welding, backed by highly knowledgeable experts in their fields
- One point of contact and contract - everything from the most complex to the most simple piece of kit can all be sourced via a call, text or email resulting in one invoice and lower transaction costs
- Outstanding health and safety - we have a four star safety award from the British Safety Council and have a raft of other accreditations which benefit our customers
- Fully integrated safety, product and skills training via HSS Training
- Total account transparency via HSS LiveHire - our brand new online asset management system
Some of our Markets
Click below for details and case studies within our key market sectors: